
Hurricanes: Science and Society

This site provides information on the science of hurricanes, methods of observing hurricanes, modeling and forecasting of hurricanes, how hurricanes impact society, and how people and communities can prepare for and mitigate the impacts of hurricanes. There is also a hurricane history interactive, and a special section for educators with activities and other downloads. Get up-to-date information on Atlantic hurricane conditions and activity, as well as information on storms that may be forming in other ocean basins.

Bridge DATA - Diatomaceous Sediments: Ooze Clues

Just as ocean beaches display a variety of sand types, the ocean floor has different sediment types. Sediments can come from land, living organisms, chemical reactions in the water column, and even outer space. When skeletal remains of microscopic organisms make up more than 30% of the sediment, it is called "ooze." In this activity, students will plot the distribution of various oozes using information from sediment maps.

The Bridge's own DATA Series is made up of lesson plans (DATA Tips) on many ocean science topics that explore the world of water using the language of science: mathematics. Learn more about the DATA Series.
